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Slate Roofing vs. Asphalt Shingles

Natural Stone is the ultimate eco-friendly, durable, and beautiful roofing material. Unfortunately, high cost and weight concerns make slate a rare sight on run-of-the-mill homes. You’ll most often see a slate roof on churches, libraries, and government and university buildings.

Roofing slate stone will not saturate with water and offers a completely fireproof option for your roof. Since slate roofing is made of stone, it is impervious to weather, sun, heat, and cold so you can expect a slate roof to last up to 150+ years.

slate roof

Some Benefits of Slate Roofing Compared to Asphalt Roofing

  • Life Expectancy up to 150+ years.
  • Energy Efficient.
  • Low Maintenance.
  • Increases the value of your home.

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