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Types of Flat Roofs

For low slope roofs on residential homes, options other than shingles provide better solutions to keep the water out. This is often seen at porches, rear additions, troughs, or even complete low pitched roofs.

modified bitumen

Modified Bitumen

For Flat, Low-Slope Roofs

Modified bitumen roofing is an asphalt-based solution designed for buildings with low-slope or “flat” roof structures. The “rolled” roofing application allows for fewer seams and is a better surface to handle slow water-shedding compared to other asphalt products like shingles. Be wary of other types of rolled asphalt roofing, as many are cheaper but not nearly as durable as modified bitumen. This material also comes in many popular colors to complement asphalt shingle roofs.

thermoplastic polyolefin

TPO (Thermoplastic Polyolefin)

An Economic Alternative

TPO is a single-ply roofing system that comes in a variety of widths and thicknesses. TPO applications are known for having very strong seams through heat-welds. Installation methods include full adherence or mechanical attachment and it is possible to install single-ply systems over existing roofs that meet the appropriate conditions, providing an economic alternative to other roofing types.

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